Text från Emma
Hittade en text som Emma Heed har gjort om Grönwall.. tyckte vissa delar passar sjukt bra, så jag var tvungen att lägga in den här.. som jag skrev i ett annat inlägg så vet jag inte längre... this may be a closed chapter :/
*fetstil på det jag håller med om till 1000* *understruket=länk till spotify*
This is the Intro of a Black Night. We thought you'd be Straight Up with us but you're heading for the Danger Road. We were There For You. We thought we'd Never Let Go but Who Will Stop The Rain from our tears? We cry, because You're Lying to us. We wanted everything for you, the entire world. We wanted you to Keep On Dreaming, Feel The Heat and we know that Everybody Wants To Be Someone, even you. But I'm tired of the lies and I Can't Look The Other Way anymore. You're not you anymore. Everybody Wants To Be Someone but you already think that you're that someone, when in fact you're not anymore.
We thought; We're Gonna Make It To The End, but I'm not sure that we'll even Stay for the summer. I'm not gonna Beg, Beg, Beg over and over again. I'm not sure that I Know What It Takes but your music will be a Cast Away, like a Shelter, when I want to Feel It Again, the feeling that I could walk a 1000 Miles to see you Bring The Stars down from the sky as you rocked the stage Late Night.
You brought us Higher, made our hearts Crash And Burn. Every show was Timeless standing in front of the croowd and I had to keep reminding myself to Breathe In Breathe Out asking this day to Stay forever.
But now the Walls Are Coming Down and my Destination, Anywhere where you're not. When You Fall there will be an Uphill Climb and we won't be There For You. That pain you'll feel at that moment will fo Straight For Your Heart because Somewhere Between A Rock And A Hard Place, The Show Must Go On and we won't be there at the front road because you lied, I'm not sorry. I'm Over You.
*fetstil på det jag håller med om till 1000* *understruket=länk till spotify*
This is the Intro of a Black Night. We thought you'd be Straight Up with us but you're heading for the Danger Road. We were There For You. We thought we'd Never Let Go but Who Will Stop The Rain from our tears? We cry, because You're Lying to us. We wanted everything for you, the entire world. We wanted you to Keep On Dreaming, Feel The Heat and we know that Everybody Wants To Be Someone, even you. But I'm tired of the lies and I Can't Look The Other Way anymore. You're not you anymore. Everybody Wants To Be Someone but you already think that you're that someone, when in fact you're not anymore.
We thought; We're Gonna Make It To The End, but I'm not sure that we'll even Stay for the summer. I'm not gonna Beg, Beg, Beg over and over again. I'm not sure that I Know What It Takes but your music will be a Cast Away, like a Shelter, when I want to Feel It Again, the feeling that I could walk a 1000 Miles to see you Bring The Stars down from the sky as you rocked the stage Late Night.
You brought us Higher, made our hearts Crash And Burn. Every show was Timeless standing in front of the croowd and I had to keep reminding myself to Breathe In Breathe Out asking this day to Stay forever.
But now the Walls Are Coming Down and my Destination, Anywhere where you're not. When You Fall there will be an Uphill Climb and we won't be There For You. That pain you'll feel at that moment will fo Straight For Your Heart because Somewhere Between A Rock And A Hard Place, The Show Must Go On and we won't be there at the front road because you lied, I'm not sorry. I'm Over You.